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@absoluteindustrialmechanical Christmas Party 2024. Forever thankful for this talented group! Everyone have a great holiday and all the best in 2025. #teamabsoluteindustrial #processmechanical #fabrication #municipalinfrastructure

The Absolute boys are killing it on this PRV and pump station upgrade/retrofit for @revelstoke @revelstokemtnresort This station took a lot of planning involving multiple parties to keep water flowing during the work. Scope of work includes a new reservoir, upgraded prv stations and upgraded pump station piping, pumps and appurtenances. #teamabsoluteindustrial #municipalinfrastructure #pipefab #stainlesssteel #processpiping

Recent intake screen replacement #teamabsoluteindustrial completed for a great group of customers. This project included a tight timeline and logistical challenges due to its off grid remote location in the Okanagan hills. Project included removal of existing screens, installation of new stainless steel screen assemblies c/w air scour piping, drain valve installation and a new maintenance platform. #processmechanical #drinkingwater #teamwork #municipalinfrastructure

Brawn Pump Station Upgrades - Murrayville Outlet Project for @langleytownship #teamabsoluteindustrial #municipalinfrastructure #processpiping #stainlesssteel #pipefab

Nearing completion at our Pemberton Reservoir and Booster Station project in Kamloops. Great job everyone! #teamabsoluteindustrial #processmechanical #municipalinfrastructure #pipefab #stainlesssteel #pumpstation #reservoir #teamwork #fabshop

Finishing up at the OKIB Head Of The Lake Reservoir, Chlorination and Control Valve Station #processmechanical #teamabsoluteindustrial #pipefab #municipalinfrastructure #stainlesssteel

USBF filter installation @villageofkeremeos WWTP. #teamabsoluteindustrial #wastewatertreatment #watertreatment #processmechanical #municipalinfrastructure

The team killing it at Vicarro Pump Station. Facility is coming together nicely for @thecityofabbotsford #processmechanical #mechanicalcontractor #municipalinfrastructure #pumpstation #drinkingwater #fabrication #teamabsoluteindustrial #pipefab